Pronunciation Problems of English Diphthongs Sounds Encountered by Saudi Students at Albaha University, Saudi Arabia. A case Study in Almandag

Ibrahim Abdalla Ahmed Abker


The present study highlights the pronunciation problems of English diphthongs sounds. The significance of this study some Saudi students as EFL sometimes face many problems when they speak English language. Pronunciation of diphthongs sounds is one of these problems. Students do not pay attention to diphthongs’ pronunciation in speaking. Consequently, they do not concentrate on diphthongs sounds. The researcher used Statistical Analytical Method. The data were collected by two tools; oral recorded and written tests. Students asked to pronounce twenty-five words contained diphthongs sounds on written sheets. Also, a written test took place for the same words, to put them into correct columns. The study participants contained twenty-five students from English department. The study arrived at the following results: Saudi students face problems in pronouncing centering diphthongs sounds ending in /ɪə/, /eə/ and /ʊə/ sounds. They mispronounced diphthongs words contain closing diphthongs sounds ending in /eɪ/, /aɪ/ and /ɔɪ/sounds. Students did not have enough ability to pronounce closing diphthongs sounds ending in /əʊ/ and /aʊ sounds. The recommendations of this study: students need more exercises about centering diphthongs sounds. They need more practices about closing diphthongs in general. Saudi students highly need to check their dictionaries to correct their pronunciation.


L1; First Language, EFL: English Foreign Learners, EDS: English Diphthongs Sound, BP: British Pronunciation, SBP: Standard British Pronunciation

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