English Communication Competence: Expectations and Challenges (A Case in Indonesia)

Dwi Poedjiastutie, Zetty Aqmi Amrin, Yongki Setiawan


English communication in Indonesian schools poses a lot of challenges. These are especially related to the factors involved in education as secondary school curriculum. Indonesia high school curriculums are usually constructed using top-down approach. This approach is suspected to contribute students’ communication development at later stage in university level. Communication courses at tertiary level are expected to equip students with more advanced communication level than at secondary school so the gradual development of students’ communication level can be attained. Several researches have been conducted to disclose those issues. However, a little attention is given to reveal the expectations and challenges from both students and teachers respectively. Due to that, this study is intended to examine factors inhibit the development of communication competence of the university students. An interpretive research paradigm was employed in this study. Speaking teachers at English Department (ED) were selected using convenient sampling. Expectation and challenges of developing communication level at DS University (DSU) are revealed from both students and teachers. Both cohorts expect the English Department Chairman to take serious steps to face upcoming globalization in which improving communication competence of ED graduates are urgent.


Needs Analysis, Interpretive Study, Communication Competence, Communication Challenges, High School Curriculums

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.7n.6p.184


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