The Effect of Task-Based Listening Activities on the Listening Comprehension: A Case of Iranian IELTS Candidates

Omid Ostad, Mohammad Tarang, Hamed Abbasi Mojdehi


Listening skill has always been somehow a neglected area in the English teaching practice. Using contemporary ways, such as applying task-based instructions and activities in the classrooms, is proven to be helpful (Cubillo and Brenes, 2009; Nunan, 1999). The present study aimed at exploring task-based listening activities and their role on improving the listening comprehension of Iranian IELTS candidates. To this end, 40 learners (14 male and 26 female, aging 21 to 43) in IELTS preparation courses were selected form Sama IELTS Centre in Rasht, Iran. After Oxford Placement Test (OPT), the participants were randomly divided into two parallel classes (20 in each). Both groups took a sample of IELTS listening test, which comprised of 40 items in four sections as the pre-test, and another sample test at the end of the study, as the post-test. Accordingly, the experimental group received the treatment (task-based listening activities). The control group, on the other hand received the placebo, i.e. the traditional practice of re-listening, pausing, and answering the questions. The statistical analyses of the results revealed that the experimental group had outperformed the control group in the posttest.


Task-based Listening Activities, Listening Comprehension, Iranian IELTS Candidates

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