Students’ Needs Analysis on Genre-based Listening Material at University Level

Edi Trisno, - Emzir, Ilza Mayuni


The present paper explores students’ needs analysis on genre-based multimedia listening material for the development of students’ listening skills for English department students at university level. This research was a part of research and development conducted based on both qualitative and quantitative methods. This needs analysis cover necessity, lack, and wants. Information on necessities is taken from the curriculum of English Department of UNP, users, teacher books, and other relevant documents. To obtain the data, the English department students of FBS Universitas Negeri Padang in Indonesia were given the questionnaire in the preliminary study in obtaining students’ needs. The questionnaires were used to obtain the information on students’ necessity, lack, and want. The research findings show that the genre-based material for listening is needed to develop students’ listening skills. For the media, students also need multimedia material which help them in understanding the situation and information.


Genre-based, Listening Skill, Listening Material, Multimedia, Needs Analysis

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