A Case Study of EFL Teachers’ Perceptions and Practices in Written Corrective Feedback
Based on a mixed-method approach, this interpretive exploratory case study aimed to identify English as Foreign Language (EFL) teachers’ perceptions and practices in Written Corrective Feedback (WCF) in the Saudi context. The study analysed quantitative data gathered from an anonymous custom designed 15-question online survey and qualitative data from an open-ended question (at the end of the online survey) and semi-structured interviews. Participants were one hundred and eighty-four English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers (n =184) who responded to the online survey (113 females and 71 males) and 7 participants who responded to the semi-structured interview (5 males and 2 females). The study findings indicated no significant differences between male and female teachers in considering “time” as the main factor in following a particular strategy for written corrective feedback (93%). The results from the semi-structured interviews highlighted the need for further research in written corrective feedback in the Saudi context to address serious issues related to the teachers’ work-load. Some recommendations were identified for further research in written corrective feedback.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.5n.1p.119
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