Investigating the Roles of Motivation and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) in Computer-Mediated-Communication (CMC) Speaking Skills Instruction
The computer-mediated approach is deemed as an effective way to assist in improving the communicative skills among ESL learners. This study presents a mixed-methods research. It aims to identify the level of motivation of the CMC users in learning English speaking skills, and how they relate to speaking achievements. This research investigates how the content knowledge (CK), pedagogical knowledge (PK) and the technological knowledge (TK) of the facilitators influence the motivation of the learners. Data is analysed comparing the Pre-Post tests. Inferential Statistics method which uses the correlation analysis is carried out to see the relationship between the factors and the level of the speaking competency. Moreover, the data is triangulated with the inclusion of audio- taped interview data. 154 students and 4 language facilitators were randomly selected from one of the institutes of higher education in Malaysia. The findings indicate that the learners’ speaking competency levels show significant improvement compared to the early stage of the research. However, there is no significant difference between the results of pre-post tests in terms of the motivation level and results also did not show significant relationship between motivation and the improvement of the speaking competency level. This shows that motivation level was not the leading factor that influenced improvement in the proficiency levels of the students. The interviews with the ESL learners showed that they had dissatisfactions regarding their online learning programme and they also indicated that their facilitators lacked of Content, Pedagogical and Technological Knowledge (TCPK) in facilitating their online learning as these knowledge are important in the online learning environment. As the conclusion, ESL learners improved their speaking proficiency through CMC learning but there are other external factors beyond the scope of this research that need to be investigated further.
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