Impact of an Anti-doping Education Session on Knowledge, Attitudes and Beliefs Among University Students in sports-related Programmes

Francis M. Mwangi, Elijah G. Rintaugu, Oluwatoyin O. Toriola, Martin S. Yauma, Edna K. Thangu, Noriyuki Fuku, Xiaojie Tian, Tetsuhiro Kidokoro


Background: Reports of doping cases have put Kenya’s renowned athletic prowess into disrepute. The impact of educational interventions spearheaded by Anti-doping Agency of Kenya (ADAK) is unknown, with sessions hardly being appraised. Objective: This study examined the efficacy of an anti-doping education session in impacting the knowledge, attitudes and beliefs (KAB) among university students in sport-related courses. It was postulated that there would be significant changes in the students’ KAB after the anti-doping education session, moderated by age, gender, year of study, sport competition experience and study programme clusters. Methods: Cross-sectional and quasi-experimental designs were applied. Data were collected through self-administered questionnaires before and after a one day anti-doping education session conducted by the ADAK. Participants (n=174) were students from three sports-related academic programmes who are expected to occupy athletes’ support personnel positions after graduation. Results: Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test showed significant differences in general knowledge on performance-enhancing substances (PES) (Z=-6.084; p<.001) and attitude towards doping (Z=-4.050; p<.001), with the post-session test registering higher positive mean rank scores (72.41 vs 42.75 and 72.64 vs 61.79, respectively). There were significant differences across study programmes in prior knowledge of anabolic steroids (p=.003) and stimulants (p=.018) as doping agents. Regression analyses showed significant influence (Adjusted R Square =.109; p<.001) by year of study (p=.001), degree programme (p=.007) and athlete status (p=.030). Conclusion: There is a need to customize students’ anti-doping intervention sessions based on age category, athletic status, and courses of study to optimise doping prevention education outcomes.


Doping In Sports, Performance-enhancing Substances, Physical Education and Training

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