A Review of the Literature for a Call for Action to Improve Muscular Fitness in School-aged Students in Physical Education

Andrew Sortwell, Rodrigo Ramirez-Campillo, Rohit Kumar Thapa, Paul Ulloa-Sánchez, Luís Branquinho, José Eduardo Teixeira


Muscular fitness (i.e., power, strength and endurance) is reported to be beneficial for children’s physical, mental, and social development, encompassing a holistic approach to student wellbeing. However, modern sedentary lifestyles have led to declines in student muscular fitness and motor skills, highlighting the need to prioritize physical activities that promote muscular fitness. Education authorities often claim that their physical education curricula are contemporary and based on recent research; however, is the prescribed curricula truly reflecting this, especially in terms of reflecting the importance of student engagement in activities that promote muscular fitness and neuromuscular development? Too often, these critical aspects are overlooked or underemphasized. This paper examines the role of physical activities that enhance muscular fitness, improving neuromuscular performance, motor skills, and physical competence in school-aged students. When performed with proper technique and supervision, muscular fitness training is safe and beneficial, improving power, strength, balance, coordination, and mental wellbeing, while boosting academic focus and fostering resilience. The paper argues for integrating activities focused on muscular fitness into physical education programs, ensuring stronger, healthier school-aged students. By addressing muscular fitness and neuromuscular development as part of the physical education curriculum, schools can better support students’ long-term health and wellbeing, supporting both physical health and mental wellbeing.


Pediatric Science, Learning, Plyometrics, Calisthenics, Health

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