A Study on the Percentage of Pacing Strategies in Elite Asian Rowers: Analysis of Crew, Boat Type, and Gender

Watunyou Khamros, Worrawit Rattanasateankij, Prasit Peepathum, Nutcharee Senakham, Krirkwit Phongsri, Witid Mitranun, Bhuvanard Pimboon, Patchareeya Jardsakul, Naphol Suwannathat, Tanormsak Senakham


Background: For optimal performance, rowers should maintain a consistent rowing cadence over the entire distances. However, the rowing cadence of each category can be influenced by several factors. Understanding the rowing strategy related to these factors may help improve rowing performance. Objective: This analytical research aimed to examine the pacing strategies used by elite Asian rowers in different categories: crew, boat type, and gender during competitions at the 2023 Asian Games. Methods: The official Final A competition results of 14 events, comprising 42 male and 37 female rowers, totaling 79 datasets, were used for statistical analysis. Pacing techniques for each category were analyzed in the 500 m intervals and expressed as a percentage. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to assess rowing interval correlation. Results: The 2- and 2X showed the most percentage change (9.56%), while the 8+ showed the lowest (6.83%). After 8.33% and 8.37% adjustments, sweeps and sculls were essentially identical. Male rowers changed 7.08%, while female rowers changed 9.49%. The 500 m and 1000 m interval had a moderate positive correlation (r = 0.462), while the 2000 m distance had a significant negative correlation (r = -0.750) and the 1000 m had a strong negative correlation (r = -0.818) (p<0.05). Conclusion: Rower’s size and gender are the major factors influencing pacing percentage. Smaller boats are more affected than larger ones. Males are less different per interval than females. Crew, boat type, and gender may impact rowing performance during certain intervals. Coaches and athletes need specialized pacing strategies for competition success.


Water Sport, Rowing, Sports Performance, Sports Performance, Athletes


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/10.7575/aiac.ijkss.v.12n.3p.37


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