Influences of Athletic Footwear on Ground Reaction Forces During A Sidestep Cutting Maneuver on Artificial Turf

Jacob R. Gdovin, Charles C. Williams, Samuel J. Wilson, Vanessa L. Cazas-Moreno, Lauren A. Luginsland, Charles R. Allen, Harish Chander, Chip Wade, John C. Garner III


Background: Recreational athletes can select their desired footwear based on personal preferences of shoe properties such as comfort and weight. Commonly worn running shoes and cleated footwear with similar stud geometry and distribution are worn when performing sport-specific tasks such as a side-step cutting maneuver (SCM) in soccer and American football (hereafter, referred to as football). The effects of such footwear on injury mechanics have been documented with less being known regarding their effect on performance. Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine performance differences including peak ground reaction forces (pGRF), time-to-peak ground reaction forces (tpGRF) and the rate of force development (RFD) between football cleats (FB), soccer cleats (SOC), and traditional running sneakers (RUN) during the braking and propulsive phases of a SCM. Methodology: Eleven recreationally active males who participated in football and/or soccer-related activities at the time of testing completed the study. A 1 x 3 [1 Condition (SCM) x 3 Footwear (RUN, FB, SOC)] repeated measures ANOVA was utilized to analyze the aforementioned variables. Results: There were no significant differences (p > 0.05) between footwear conditions when comparing pGRF, tpGRF, or RFD in either the braking or propulsive phases. Conclusion: The results suggest that the studded and non-studded footwear allowed athletes to generate similar forces over a given time frame when performing a SCM.


Shoes, Football, Soccer, Athletes, Running

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