Comparison of Resistance and Chair Yoga Training on Subjective Sleep Quality in MCI Women
Background: Self-rated sleep disorders are common in older adults, resulting in various health problems. Two types of exercise are suggested as an affordable and accessible non-pharmacological treatment and are being compared and discussed. Objectives: This randomized, controlled, 12-week trial investigates the effects of different types of exercise (resistance vs chair yoga training) on subjective sleep quality, in women with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). Methods: In order to measure cognitive function, the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) was used. Forty nine participants enrolled in the study were randomized to a resistance training program (n=16), or a chair yoga program (n=15), or a control group (n=18). All participants engaged in cognitive activities. Results: At baseline, PSQI scores for CYG, RTG and CG (8.2±5.1, 6.1±4.3, 7.4±4.1, respectively) and MMSE (28.3±1.4, 27.8±1.2, 28.0±2.3, respectively) did not differ statistically between the three groups (F2,46= 1.993, p= 0.143). After the intervention, a significant improvement in PSQI total score was noted in resistance training group (t=2.335, df15, p=0.03). Conclusions: There were no significant differences between groups before and after test for the PSQI subscale scores (sleep onset latency (h), time spent in bed before sleep (min), morning waking up (h) and sleep duration (h)). No significant difference was found in PSQI subscales scores within each group. This study proposes that resistance training is an effective treatment approach to improve sleep quality in women with mild cognitive impairment.
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