Music Theory Literacy of Individuals Receiving Amateur Piano Education

Sezer Dinçer


In this study, the level of musical literacy acquisition of individuals who receive self-engage piano education was examined. It is thought that there is an ambiguity between the piano playing ability of individuals who receive self-engage piano education and the development of their music literacy. The aim of the study is to reveal the music theory literacy levels of these individuals and their differences according to various variables. The research was conducted with a descriptive survey model. The study focused on individuals who receive amateur piano education, and the data were collected through literature review, demographic information form and “Music Theory Literacy Scale”. A total of 124 individuals who did not receive professional music education (amateur) participated in the study. A 17-question test was developed to determine music theory literacy. As a result of the study, it was seen that the music theory literacy levels of individuals who received amateur piano education were at an intermediate level. While the participants were highly successful in the questions involving knowledge of note values, they failed in the question involving knowledge of basic tone in music.


Music Education, Music Theory Literacy, Piano Education

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