Book Review: The Impact of Feedback in Higher Education: Improving Assessment Outcomes for Learners

Yihan Li, Xiao Xie


The editors of this book gathered the leading international researchers across diverse disciplines and proposed four questions to guide feedback research and practice, ‘Do learners know the purpose of feedback and their role(s) in it? Can learners make sense of the information? Can learners take action? What effects should we be looking for?’ (Henderson et al., 2019, p. 14). With the sociocultural perspective, we attempt not only to discuss, in the broad context of higher education, critical issues pertaining to feedback that makes a difference, expanding notions of feedback impact, pedagogies of feedback impact, visibility of feedback, and implications for research and practice, but to correlate the conclusions drawn from this book with the contexts and issues associated with feedback on L2 writing.


Feedback, Higher Education, Assessment Literacy

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