Christian Religious Education Teachers’ Perception on the use of Valuing Methods for Learner Value Acquisition in National Secondary Schools in Kenya

Ing’ollan Daniel Nawose, Mary Kerich, Josephine Musamas


There are rising cases of disrespect in Kenyan society amid efforts by Christian Religious Education (CRE) in secondary schools to make the learner appreciate and respect their own, and other people’s cultural beliefs and practices. The morals of the secondary school graduates enrolled in colleges and society do not reflect the acquisition of values learnt through CRE. Despite the exposure of students to the Christian Religious Education curriculum, cases of disrespect, for instance, drug abuse, abortion, arson in schools, hate speech, religious and ethnic hatred continue being witnessed everywhere. The purpose for this study was to examine the Christian Religious Education teachers’ perception on the use of valuing methods for learner value acquisition in National Secondary Schools in Kenya. The objective of the study was to establish the Christian Religious Education teachers’ perception on the use of valuing methods for learner value acquisition and to find out the challenges they face in the process. The study was based on the Theory of Development of values. The study adopted mixed methods under the convergent parallel design. The target population of the study was 95 national secondary schools in Kenya with a total of 224 CRE teachers. However, 30% of schools and teachers were sampled. The study sample size was 67 CRE teachers. The study employed stratified and simple random sampling to select the schools for study and purposive sampling technique to select CRE teachers to participate in the study. Data was collected through the questionnaire, document analysis, and interview and observation schedules. The validity and reliability of data collection instruments was done through use of experts and piloting respectively. The quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics presented in frequencies and percentages while the qualitative data was analyzed in thematic coding. The study revealed that CRE teachers are conscious of certain values that the CRE content is to facilitate to learners and are aware that particular content may not only transmit a single value depending on how it is facilitated they are however not keen on being specific on relating particular content to particular values. The main reasons perceived by the teachers to this non-use was noted as overcrowded curriculum, insufficient in-service training and the seeming neglect of the affective domain in teaching and examinations. Much as majority of the teachers do not use valuing methods, they however perceive them as having positive characteristics that can enrich content acquisition by learners. Study recommends that the syllabus be explicit in mentioning particular values in relation to particular teaching content. On this note the study recommends that KICD should work very closely with CRE subject specialists to ensure that the affective domain in the teaching of CRE is given adequate guidance.


Perception, Value Acquisition, Christian Religious Education

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