Enhancing Healthcare Literacy and Services in South-West Ethiopia: Impact of Social Accountability for Improving the Demand and use of Family Planning and Maternal New-born Child Health Services

Nassir Ali, Geda Tolera, Galata Sitota


The primary objective of this research was to assess the effectiveness of interventions aimed at improving healthcare literacy and services through the implementation of Social Accountability (SA) and Community Score Card (CSC) in three districts of the Southwest Ethiopia Peoples’ Region. The study gathered data from randomly selected community members residing in Elhanchano, Teracha Zuria, and Zaba Gazo districts of the Southwest Ethiopia region on two sessions. Quantitative data were analyzed using dependent t-tests, while information collected through interviews was analyzed using a narrative approach. The results indicate a significant positive impact of the interventions on healthcare services across all health centers. Consequently, considering the proven effectiveness of SA/CSC in enhancing healthcare services at primary health care units, it is strongly recommended that both the government and funding organizations continue their support for the implementation of SA/CSC in various sections of the country. This ongoing commitment will ensure that communities consistently receive improved healthcare services at their respective health care units, fostering a sustainable positive impact on the overall health system


Community Score Card, Intervention, Primary Health Care Service, Social Accountability

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijels.v.12n.2p.214


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