Literacy in Pandemic: Practices, Challenges, and Coping Strategies of MKO’s in Online and Modular Learning Modalities

Rosalyn Gunobgunob-Mirasol


This paper investigated the literacy practices, challenges, and coping strategies of the More Knowledgeable Others (MKO) in helping the learners accomplish literacy tasks included in the online and modular worksheets during the lockdown period because of COVID-19 pandemic. MKO is a person who has a better understanding or a higher ability level than the learner; this includes the teachers, the parents, and the guardians. This study focused on the parents and guardians as they assume two significant roles during the time of pandemic, namely a teacher and a parent. Two hundred six parents and guardians were surveyed, and selected respondents were requested to participate in the semi-structured interview to provide opportunities to express their experiences during the pandemic. The results revealed that MKO’s practices include their role as a: (1) support in children’s school tasks; (2) spending read aloud time with their children; and (3) their use of Internet and gadgets. For the challenges, four subthemes emerged: (1) duality of roles; (2) lack of knowledge and skills; (3) Internet connectivity; and (4) financial challenges. With the challenges come MKO’s coping strategies: (1) managing time wisely; (2) they provide unfathomable moral support; and (3) their faith in God. With the findings, this paper recommends creation of consultative body among parents so they can be included in the curriculum design for the education of their children.


Pandemic, Literacy Practices, More Knowledgeable Others (MKO), Reading

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