Anxiety Level of the Music Teacher Candidates Studying Music Teaching in Türkiye

Serkan Otacıoğlu


The most important factor negatively affecting individuals’ success in professional music education is anxiety of unemployment. For them, graduation from university means the beginning of a life of either employment or unemployment. Job selection plans about the role in real life, friendships, fear of unemployment, and other responsibilities are some of the factors creating anxiety. The aim of this research is to discover the professional anxieties of the music teacher candidates studying in music education departments. The study sought to investigate whether the professional anxiety of the teacher candidates varies depending on their gender, income level of their families, the way they studied musical teaching, and their grades. This research is a descriptive study conducted for the purpose of determining the “anxiety levels” of music teacher candidates in Turkey. The data was collected using a personal information form and the anxiety scales for teacher candidates. The sample group of the study consisted of 80 students studying in Marmara University. According to the study, meaningful variances exist between the variables such as “gender, grade, and income level of the family” and professional anxiety levels.


Musical Teaching, Music Education, Music Teacher Candidates, Professional Anxiety

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