Causal Factors in Thai EFL Public High School Students’ Anxiety over English Speaking Literacy for Communication

Arnantawut Tiang-uan, Saisunee Oulis


The aspects of language anxiety involve education, individual, and environment (Öztürk & Gürbüz, 2014). The purpose of this research was to investigate the factors contributing to anxiety in English speaking literacy for communication among third-year high school students in a public school in Bangkok, Thailand. Employing a questionnaire-based approach, the investigation delved into the students’ experiences, emphasizing three aspects of anxiety: educational, individual, and environmental factors. The findings revealed high levels of anxiety across these dimensions, with educational factors such as grammatical mistakes and confidence in language skills playing a significant role. Individual anxieties, such as fear of being called on and physical manifestations during English classes, also contribute substantially to students’ overall anxiety. Environmental factors, including concerns about teacher and peer reactions, fear of ridicule, and unprepared questions, further heighten language anxiety. The study recommends interventions to enhance English language instruction, creates supportive learning environments, and addresses individual and social dynamics that contribute to anxiety. This research offers valuable insights for educators and policymakers to develop targeted strategies for improving English language literacy and fluency and fostering a conducive atmosphere for practical language usage among Thai students.


Casual Factors, Students’ Anxiety, English Speaking Literacy for Communication

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