The Effect of Gamification on Math Achievement, Motivation, and Learning Strategies in Flipped Classrooms

Fatma Pehlivan, Taner Arabacioglu


The aim of this research is to examine the effect of the gamification elements usage in the flipped classroom model on students’ academic success, motivation, and learning strategies in the 9th grade mathematics course clusters subject. The method of the study is a quasi-experimental research design with a pretest/post-test control group. The sample of the study comprises 38 vocational high school students who attend 9th grade. The experimental process was conducted for five weeks in the mathematics lesson on “Clusters.” Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) and achievement tests were used as data collection tools. According to the results of the research, while gamification did not make a significant difference in academic achievement and motivation, it caused a significant difference in the elaboration and peer learning dimensions of the learning strategies scale. Although this is not reflected in academic success in the research, it is considered to contribute positively to student performance. In addition, taking the group as the basis instead of the individual in the design of gamification is thought to prevent negativities, such as anxiety and jealousy, that may develop because of gamification, as well as contribute positively to student performance.


Gamification, Mathematics achievement, Motivation, Flipped classrooms

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