Opinions of Students Learning Turkish as a Foreign Language on the Use of E-Portfolio in Writing Lessons

Ramazan Eryılmaz


This study aims to investigate the opinions of students learning Turkish as a foreign language on the use of the e-portfolio method in writing classes. During the implementation phase of this case study, two methods were used concurrently. The first method was face-to-face instruction centered on the coursebook. The second method was the e-portfolio method utilizing digital tools. After the implementation, data regarding the participants’ opinions were collected through interview technique, and the collected data were analyzed through content analysis. According to the research findings, there is a diversity of opinions among students regarding digital writing practices. Generation Z students tend to evaluate digital writing more positively. Language control and support are positively received by students. It has been observed that digital writing offers spatial and temporal independence, enhances student-teacher and student-student interaction, and contributes to collaboration and skill development in the context of peer learning. It is concluded that digital writing increases learning motivation and generally improves Turkish writing skills. As a teaching tool, in addition to textbooks and notebooks, the use of digital resources, especially e-portfolio creation tools and dictionaries, which offer unlimited variety, has become a necessity. Based on the study results, it is recommended to use a hybrid approach where traditional and digital writing-based e-portfolio methods are used together in education. Accordingly, curriculum should be updated, digital tools should be used more effectively, and technology infrastructure should be improved. Centers or courses teaching Turkish as a foreign language should take the initiative for infrastructure improvements. In this context, it is recommended that researchers in the field of online teaching of writing, speaking, listening, and reading skills conduct studies and educators develop applications.


Foreign Language, Turkish, Digital, Writing, E-Portfolio

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijels.v.11n.4p.85


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