Effect of Peer-Assisted and Learning Together Techniques on 6th Grade Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement and Attitudes towards Reading

Fadime Yı̇ğı̇t, Erhan  Durukan


The  research  aims  to  examine  the  effect  of  peer assisted learning and learning together techniques  on  6th grade female students’ reading comprehension achievements and attitudes towards  reading. The  research  employed  a  quasi-experimental  model  with  pretest  –  post-test  control group. Data collection tools of the research were Reading Attitude Scale, Reading Comprehension Achievement Test, Reading Habit Questionnaire, student interview forms and student journals. Results suggested that peer assisted learning affected 6th grade female students’ reading comprehension achievement positively at a high level, learning together positively at a moderate level, but the current practices in Turkish course did not make a significant difference in reading comprehension achievement. Learning together and current practices were observed to be effective in ensuring the permanence of students’ reading comprehension achievements, while peer assisted learning was not. No significant difference was found between the effects  of techniques used in the research on the students’ reading comprehension achievements or on the  permanence  of  their  reading  comprehension  achievements.  No  significant  difference  was  found between the effects of peer assisted learning, learning together and current practices on students’ attitudes towards reading; while a significant difference was found in the permanence of students’ attitudes towards reading resulting from (against) learning together technique. The students expressed generally positive opinions on peer assisted learning and learning together techniques.


Peer Assisted Learning, Learning Together, Reading Comprehension, Reading Attitude

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijels.v.11n.1p.31


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