A Bibliometric Study on Postgraduate Theses in Turkey Investigating the Turkish Vocabulary

Mustafa Uluocak, Süleyman Eroğlu, Sercan Alabay


This research aims to analyze and evaluate postgraduate theses on Turkish vocabulary in terms of bibliometric parameters. For this purpose, to create the corpus of the study, the theses in the database of the Council of Higher Education National Thesis Center (YÖKTEZ) were accessed by selecting the “Education and Training” category and the “Turkish Education Department” filtering and using the “vocabulary” keyword. As a result of the scanning, 103 master’s and 18 doctoral theses on vocabulary were reached. In the study, bibliometric analysis was used as a data analysis technique. Theses within the scope of the research were subjected to bibliometric analysis in terms of parameters such as academic level, publication year, university, institute, supervisor, research method, research design, data collection tools, data analysis, content, and purposes. As a result, there has been a significant increase in the number of postgraduate theses on vocabulary in Turkish in recent years, and theses were mostly submitted to Inönü, Gazi, and Marmara Universities, respectively. In addition, most of the theses in the Institute of Education Sciences, MA level and supervised by academics with the title of assistant professor. In addition to this, in postgraduate theses on the vocabulary of Turkish, it is seen that the qualitative research method was used as a research method, descriptive analysis was used as a research design, document analysis was used as a data collection tool, and content analysis was used as a data analysis method mostly. Finally, it is noteworthy that in the identified theses, literary works and the vocabulary of different literary genres are examined from various perspectives. It is thought that the study will contribute to the studies and researchers in the domain of Turkish vocabulary.


Vocabulary, Turkish Vocabulary, Bibliometric Analysis, Postgraduate Theses

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijels.v.10n.4p.164


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