University Students’ Attitudes towards Perceived Family Support in Individual Musical Instrument Education

Berrin Özden, Selin Özdemir


Education promotes mental, physical and emotional development of individuals. In particular, music education has a great impact on an individual’s personal development in terms of self-recognition and self-actualization of the individual. One of the most significant factors in the development of the individual is their family. The family support is crucial in terms of education as well as in all aspects of life. This study is aimed to determine university students’ attitudes towards perceived family support in individual musical instrument education and to analyze the differences in family support in this context. A set of different variables for the perceived family support in individual instrument education of the university students studying in music education undergraduate programs were examined in the study. Three different variables were identified, including gender, undergraduate level and university where the students receive education. This descriptive study is based on a correlational survey model. The study sample consists of 216 students studying in music education programs in 2021-2022 academic year. 120 (55.6 %) of the students are female while 96 (44.4 %) of them are male. When the perceived family support of music education students in terms of instrument education was examined, it was concluded that there was no significant relationship between the gender of the students in the dimensions of the families’ valuing instrument education and their involvement in the process. However, there was no significant relationship in the dimension of the families’ valuing instrument education while there was a significant relationship in their involvement in the process. Considering the perceived family support of the students studying in the music education program in terms of instrument education, the responses of the students indicated a positive relationship.


Music Education, Individual Instrument Education, Family Support

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