Effect of Teachers’ Self-Efficacy on their Attitude towards the Implementation of Multicultural Education literacy in Harari Government Secondary Schools

Debela Tezera, Gadissa Bekele


This study is aimed to investigate effect of teachers’ self-efficacy on their attitude towards the implementation of Multicultural Education literacy (MCEL) in Harari Region Secondary Schools. To realize this descriptive survey design with the quantitative approach is adopted. One hundred, teachers are selected by using stratified random sampling technique and then the simple random sampling technique. Data are collected through closed-ended questionnaires. Descriptive and inferential statistical data analysis is employed. The finding showed that the practice of MCEL in school was medium and teachers’ self-efficacy toward implementations of MCEL in the schools was found statistically significant. Self-efficacy in the implementation of MCEL was a statistically significant predictor of teacher’s attitude and practices toward the implementation of MCEL in the schools respectively. Self-efficacy contributed 17% on attitude and 26 % to practices in the implementation of MCEL had a positive impact. Self-efficacy of teachers toward MCEL had a statistically significant moderate positive relationship with teachers’ practices of MCEL. Self-efficacy had a positive impact on the attitude of teachers and practices of teachers in the implementation of MCEL. Based on the findings, it was concluded the study presented for further research in the field and policy action to prepare teachers in multicultural setting curricula and multicultural educators influencing the development of cultural tolerance, mutual understanding, and unity among diverse students. Hence, it was recommended that organizing panel discussion in order to improve self-efficacy and attitude of teachers from multicultural perspectives in line with implementation of multicultural education through media to build tolerance, mutual respect, build positive attitudes, and national building practices among student in the schools. Further implications and directions for future study are forwarded.


Attitude, Implementation, Multicultural, Teachers, Self-efficacy

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijels.v.9n.1p.172


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