Interview with Jean Kirshner, co-founder of Belize Education Project

Vahid Nimehchisalem


Jean Kirshner holds a Ph.D. in Education and Human Resource Development from Colorado State University and specializes in literacy and teacher education. I came to know Jean and her school adoption project in the process of publishing her article in our previous issue. She graciously accepted my invitation for this interview that we carried out through emails in July, 2020. In this interview, you will be reading about Jean and the impact she and her colleagues have created in the lives of school children. You will learn more about Jean as you read through, but here is a brief introduction. Jean started her career as the Early Childhood Director at Saint Ignatius Grammar School, Chicago in 1988. After two years she joined the Child Opportunity Program in Denver as a Head Start Supervising Teacher. In 1994, she became a kindergarten teacher and has been a First Grade Teacher since 2006 in Douglas County School District, Parker, Colorado. She co-founded the Belize Education Program in 2007 which is the main topic of this interview. The world needs more inspiring educators like Jean who contribute selflessly especially to the underprivileged communities that need more love and attention.


Belize Education Project, Interview, Jean Kirshner,

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