Understanding Employers’ Perception of Employability Skills and Career Development in Morocco

Oussama Ait Tejan, Abdelkader Sabil


Research into employability issues is currently receiving considerable attention. In Morocco, a significant number of employers are satisfied with the skills of their newly hired employees. However, other employers express their dissatisfaction with the newly hired workers and believe that they lack some of the most basic skills needed for successful employment. The present paper proceeds by providing a systematic review of employability skills from the perspective of employers. It aims to research the gap between employers’ requirements of graduates and their actual skills with particular focus on employers’ perception. The participants in this study are 20 employers from three sectors, primary education, banking and tourism in the region of Marrakesh-Safi, Morocco. The instrument used for data collection is an on-line questionnaire. More specifically, the study reported that a majority of respondents perceive innovation and creativity as fundamental employability skills. In light of the results, the study recommends that universities should make great efforts to ensure that they are equipping their graduates with employability skills as identified in the industry.


Employability Skills, Career Development, Graduates, Employers’ Perception, Professional World

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijels.v.7n.2p.134


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