An Analysis of the Structure of Group Writing Activities in English Textbook

Mohammed Yibre


The main purpose of this study was to analyze how effectively pair/group work writing activities in the currently in- use Grade 11 English textbook were structured or organized to promote CLL. To this end, the pair/group work writing activities were identified and analyzed based on the six basic elements of the CLL. Findings of the study show that less weight is given to the activities compared to that of the non-group work writing activities in the textbook. The promotion of most of the basic elements of CLL in the designed cooperative writing activities is limited to only the pre-writing stage. It has been found that only a small number of the writing activities allow and encourage learners to work cooperatively at drafting and revising stages. It is also noted that there is no writing activity in the textbook that encourages students to process group interaction. It is, therefore, recommended that textbook developers should incorporate the six basic elements of CLL at each stage of writing to structure group writing activities while preparing teaching materials.


Cooperative Language Learning, Writing Skills, Group Writing Activities, Textbook

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