Role of Prosodic Reading in Listening Comprehension

H. Kagan Keskin, Gökhan Arı, Muhammet Baştuğ


This study aims to determine how listening comprehension levels of students are affected by listening to prosodic and non-prosodic readings vocalized by a computer and human. Third-grade students of four different classes at a primary school were randomly selected in a city center in the Western Black Sea Region of Turkey to participate in the study (n=91). Four equivalent classes formed the listening groups of the research in listening comprehension. The groups were (1) the group listening to the model prosodic reading, (2) the group listening to the computer prosodic reading, (3) the group listening to the model non-prosodic reading, and (4) the group listening to the computer non-prosodic reading. Two stories were used in the measurement of listening comprehension, and comprehension skills were measured with open-ended questions. The data obtained were analyzed with the Kruskal Wallis and Conover–Iman tests. Logistic Regression Analysis (LRA) was performed to reinforce the results and increase distinctiveness. According to the results, inferential comprehension scores of the students who listened to the prosodically-vocalized texts differed from other groups significantly. Meanwhile, literal comprehension scores of all students in the listening groups did not differ. The LRA results indicated that the inferential comprehension scores were a significant predictor of the listening groups. Consequently, the relationship between prosody and inferential comprehension was found to be significant in this study. The results also showed that it is necessary to attach particular importance to prosody in listening activities and to use prosodic models suitable for students in reading activities in the early grades of the primary school.


Listening Comprehension, Prosody, Non-prosody, Oral Reading, Literal, Inferential, Literacy

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