Assessing Attitudes towards Knowledge and use of Evidence-Based Practice among Nurses Working in a Teaching Hospital in Kuala Lumpur

Felor Javadi Bashar


Evidence-based practice provides the most effective care that is available with the aim of improving clients’ outcome. However, despite existing policies related to encouragement to or requirement of evidence-based practice (EBP), results of reviewed studies show nurses do not generally incorporate research evidence in their daily practice. This study aimed to assess nurses’ attitudes towards knowledge and use of EBP in a teaching hospital in Kuala Lumpur. This study used descriptive cross-sectional survey among 265 nurses (out of 851), working in the different adult medical-surgical wards, who were selected through the quota sampling. Participants in this study, reported positive attitudes towards EBP, good knowledge of EBP, but poor utilization of evidence in their practice. Results of this study affirmed the findings of previous researches, showed despite having positive attitude and perception of good knowledge/skill regarding EBP; nurses did not incorporate evidence into practice. Application of EBP in clinical setting increases the quality of patient care, clients’ outcome and nurses’ job satisfaction and retention. In this regard, nursing managers and authorities have an important role in providing supports, facilities and persuading environment to focus nurses on evidence-based practice. It is recommended that the effect of personal and professional agents on actual EBP activities among nurses should be assessed through the observational studies rather than self-report questionnaire.


Evidence-Based Practice, Nurse, Attitude, Knowledge, EBP use

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