Bringing the Attitudinal System of Affect to the EFL/ESL Classroom as a Way of Further Critical Education and Reflection: An Analysis of Affectual Language in Two American Presidents’ Inauguration Speeches

Yaser Hadidi, Golsa Khodadadi


Appraisal/Evaluation within Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) is a rather new framework for the analysis of evaluative language, focusing on how human beings reveal their emotions directly or indirectly, how they take stances, and how they align or dis-align themselves with social subjects. Through an attitudinal analysis of the system of Affect in lucid and teacher-friendly ways, this paper aims to smoothly invite ESL/EFL teachers into possible employment of this model in classes of intermediate levels and above, to align themselves with and avoid losing sight of the constant need to maintain a critical pedagogical atmosphere in foreign language literacy and education. To this end, we provide a simple analysis of the affectual language of two inauguration speeches delivered by two American presidential candidates, geared to equipping teachers with some quick tools of reflective and critical pedagogy and use the exploration and display of different categories of Affect in the classroom to engage students in critical reflection on the world and everyday events.


Systemic Functional Linguistics, Appraisal/Evaluation, Affect, ESL/EFL Teachers, Reflective Critical Pedagogy

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