Senior High School English Teachers’ Perceptions on a High-stakes Test (SBMPTN): A Washback Study

Hafidz Wahyu Nur Cholis, Faricha Rizqi


The aim of this research is to explore the washback effect of a high-stakes test on teachers’ attitude and teaching methods used. High-stakes tests refer to tests results of which impact the future of the test takers. In this paper, the high-stakes test is the Entrance Exam of Universities (EEU) in the Indonesia context, namely Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SBMPTN). The test determines whether students are qualified to be accepted as university students or not. Therefore, SBMPTN is extremely strict and competitive because students all over Indonesia are eager to pass it. The current study explores washback effect of SBMPTN. In order to gain the data of this survey study, an adopted questionnaire was conducted to a number of 30 senior high school teachers. The data analysis using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was then explained into descriptive statistic encompassing mean score and percentages. The findings revealed that SBMPTN, as a high-stakes test, has a positive washback on Senior High School English teachers’ attitudes and their teaching methods.


Washback Effect, High-stakes Test, SBMPTN, Indonesian Teachers’ Perceptions

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