Interview with Datin Goh Suet Lan on Business Coaching

Vahid Nimehchisalem


I had the pleasure of meeting Datin Goh Suet Lan and one of the key members of her team, Mr Murali, in the Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication, Universiti Putra Malaysia with three of my colleagues, Associate Professor Dr Shamala Paramasivam (who initiated this meeting), Dr. Ilyana Binti Jalaluddin, and Dr. Ramiza Binti Darmi. At the end of this meeting, Datin graciously accepted the invitation for an E-mail interview, which is the result of what you are going to read here. The interview will show how it is possible to educate women who are the bread-winners of poverty-stricken families to work more wisely for a better living. In this interview, Datin, who is the president of an NGO called Women of Will (, shares the insightful experiences she and her team have reaped in their journey of making a meaningful difference in their community.

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International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies  

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