A Linguistic Study of Borrowings from English to Urdu

Muhammad Aslam Sipra


This paper discusses how English came into contact with Urdu language. Moreover, it outlines factors involved in borrowing from English to Urdu. It substantiates the influence of English on Urdu and demonstrates the conscious and unconscious shift of vocabulary items from one language to another during the interaction between speakers speaking different languages under any circumstances. The present study also unravels how people came across English in the Sub-continent. Pre-partition and post partition attitude of the people of the subcontinent towards English and the influence of English on Urdu are also bespoken.



Language, borrowing, influence, English, loan words, Urdu, contact

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/ijalel.v.2n.1p.203


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International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature

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