Waiting for Godot is an Irish Endgame: A Postcolonial Reading of Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot and Endgame

Sayyed Rahim Moosavinia, Bamshad Hekmatshoar Tabari


Irish National Drama is very sensitive when it comes to the issue of English Colonization, colonial forces, independence and the matter of post-colonial. In fact, a kind of Irish consciousness is present in all the dramas of this nation and all playwrights in this trend- even indirectly or by implication- have tried to portray these matters through their works. This study is an attempt to prove the claim that even a playwright like Samuel Beckett, whose works have been written out of the canon of Irish Literature because of living on exile, adopting another language or semi-taboo labels like Absurdism, Universality and Placlessness, can be read in light postcolinalism. To this aim, two of Beckett’s plays Waiting for Godot and End Game are chosen here as the representative and put into explication.



Irish, postcolonialsim, absurdism, universality, placlessness, colonizer, colonized

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/ijalel.v.2n.1p.60


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