On Laotsu’s “Ming and Yan” and the Language in English
Just like we couldn’t figure out the order of egg and chicken philosophically, the sequence of the thinking and language also can’t be distinguished. They are in the state of mutual interdependence. It can be affirmed that without thinking, there would exist no language, and vice versa. Thinking is the nature of language, while the language is the expression of thinking. The way of thinking in Laotsu’s “Ming and Yan” is dialectical thinking, and its language expression is implicit and euphemistic, while in Western Language it is logical thinking with the brief and clear expression. If we only pay attention to the expression of language, not to its essential thinking, it’s really difficult to find where the true content of the expression. This thesis will try to discuss the innerlink of Laotsu’s dialectical thinking “Ming and Yan” and western logical language.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/ijalel.v.1n.5p.35
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