The Perspectives of English Teachers Toward Writing Education, as well as the Obstacles they Encounter

Md. Harun Rashid, Yu Lan, Wang Hui


Many ESL teachers find it difficult to build their students’ linguistic competency, which makes teaching one of the most productive talents in the English language. The main objective of the study is to investigate the difficulties that ESL teachers have while attempting to teach writing skills to students in university settings. According to the findings of this study, art faculty professors at the university level are experiencing difficulties. Teachers’ concerns regarding teaching writing skills were gathered using questionnaires, which were administered by the researcher. It was decided to adopt a descriptive approach to report the issues that instructors experienced when teaching writing skills to their students. There were a total of 12 questions on the questionnaire. It was discovered through this investigation that there were some problematic elements, but that there were also some practical remedies that might be implemented. Teacher reflection could be helped by the findings and recommendations of this study, which could also help authorities support teachers’ efforts to improve students’ writing skills.


Obstacles of Writing, Teachers’ Encounter, Academic Writing, L2 Writer

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