Women’s Politics of Resistance in Making the Invisible Visible

Djamila Mehdaoui


This paper will endeavour to highlight an in-depth look to the sustained invisibility of the involvement of masses of women in political, historical, and social acts, exploring the philosophical mooring of women as being permanently inferior. The analysis will seek to reflect upon the impact of feminism and post colonialism within issues like the construction of the self. The two approaches will reveal how the degraded image of women is structured by male literary traditions and strengthened by their oppression exercised through patriarchal ideologies. The focus is put also on postcolonial women, who find themselves in front double pronunciation of the sounds of marginalization. This essay argues, in part, that the feminist role contributes in extending the duty of ordinary and subaltern women towards fuller understanding of the self. It also analyzes how feminists contribute to thrive their histories of writing traditions, and widening their involvement in education as a turning point enabling them for self-discovery and definition. These feminists allow their fellows notable insights into their thoughts, visions and actions to mediate their harsh status through significant ideas opposing the process of invisibility, Othering, and the dire circumstances inherent in their societies.This essay asserts further that the types of oppression that haunt women’s narrative of the self also transmits the experiences of many women around the world. However, such social stigmatization push many of them to empower each other and learn from their inherent dilemmas by inserting unique inspirations and strategies to escape approximately all figures of powerlessness.


Invisibility, Oppression, Post-colonial Women, Women’s Power, Women’s Writing

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.10n.6p.59


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