ICTs and Project-Based Learning (PBL) in EFL: Pre-service Teachers’ Attitudes and Digital Skills

Jose Belda-Medina


Although there is a rich body of literature about the implementation of ICTs in foreign language learning, none has investigated the technological attitudes and digital skills of pre-service teachers thanks to the adoption of a Project-Based Learning (PBL) methodology. This study analyses the attitudes and digital skills of pre-service teachers through the implementation of ICT-based projects in the EFL classroom. For this purpose, 120 teacher candidates at the University of Alicante (Spain) participated in this experiment. First, all students were administered a pretest to measure the degree of technological affinity and digital skills. Then, they were divided into smaller groups (cooperative learning) in order to design and create several ICT-based projects aimed at teaching English as a foreign language to children and young learners. All the participants later presented their projects and evaluated the results (peer-evaluation) from a technical and pedagogical perspective. Finally, they completed a post-test based on their self-perceived learning outcomes in relation to ICT integration. The results revealed significant learning gains in digital and higher-order thinking skills (create, analyse, evaluate). Teaching candidates show a positive attitude towards the integration of ICTs in the EFL classroom but demand better training as regards the adoption of new technologies, particularly given the current situation and the need for increased on-line teaching.


EFL, ICTs, PBL, Attitudes, Digital Skills

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.10n.1p.63


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