The Impact of Implementing Graphic Organizers on Improving EFL Students’ Reading Comprehension of Narrative Texts and Motivation

Mervat Albufalasa


This research investigated mainly the effectiveness of implementing graphic organizers (GOs) on improving EFL students’ reading comprehension of narrative texts and motivation. EFL learners may face many difficulties when they analyze literary texts in terms of comprehending the story line with all its elements of fiction. The study was conducted on EFL students enrolled in a literature course at a university level. The data were collected using a mixed-method approach including quantitative data employing reading tests and questionnaires, and qualitative data using class observation. The study implemented three cycles, each one utilized a particular method of teaching short stories. The results show that the students’ performance was significantly higher when the EFL learners used graphic organizers to comprehend the story line of short stories when compared to using the story grammar (SG), more specifically the linear pattern. Students’ motivation was also enhanced in relation to reading and learning English literature. They developed more self-confidence and trusted their abilities to do well in literature classes. Their language anxiety was decreased as they improved in understanding narrative texts and were able to perform better in class activities. They also exerted effort to participate and were willing to work independently on reading tasks. All of this resulted in enhancing their motivation.


Reading Comprehension, Narrative Texts, Graphic Organizers, Motivation, Reading Strategies

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