Request and Politeness Strategy by Native Dayanese at OKU South Sumatra Indonesia

Yeasy Agustina Sari, - Suhono, Ferdian Utama, Umi Yawisah


This study aims to find out the type of request strategy and type of politeness strategy in request made by Native Dayanese at OKU South Sumatra. This study was a purely qualitative study. Twenty Native Dayanese have participated in this research. To get the data, the researchers used Discourse Completion Test (DCT). In analyzing data the researchers used Trosborg Theory and Brown Levinson. The result showed that category ability/willingness was mosty used by Native Dayanese to ask request, for instance Majuat, Hijuat, Pandaiat. The word Majuat used for ask to the interlocuter who has high status, while the word Hijuat and Pandaiat used for ask to the interlocuter who has middle and low level. Furthermore, mostly Native Dayanese used Negative Politeness in performing of politeness strategy in request.


Native Dayanese, Request Strategy, Politeness Strategy in Request

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