The Effect of Mnemonic Keyword Techniques Instruction on Vocabulary Achievement and vocabulary Size of Iranian EFL Learners

Amir Marzban, Mojgan Firoozjahantigh


This study aimed at probing the effect of using mnemonic keyword techniques, a number of less used procedures, in teaching vocabulary in an EFL context in Iran on the vocabulary achievement level and vocabulary size of language learners. to this end, 70 EFL intermediate students were selected because they were all intermediate level learners. They were assigned to control and experimental groups. The instructor taught the two groups new vocabulary items in their textbooks as part of the class procedures. The first group received vocabulary instruction through mnemonic keyword techniques while the second had vocabulary taught in conventional ways. Both groups were tested for their EFL vocabulary achievement and vocabulary size. The results revealed significantly higher achievement and vocabulary size levels for the participants in the experimental group. Certain implications were provided for EFL instructors, material developers and EFL learners who pursue to boost their vocabulary levels more effectively.


Mnemonic, Keyword, Techniques, Efl, Vocabulary, Teaching, Vocabulary Size

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