Authentic Learning: Enhancing Learners’ Academic Literacy Skills

Albert Agbesi Wornyo, Ernest Kwesi Klu, Hlaviso Motlhaka


Several studies have shown that authentic learning facilitates learners’ acquisition of knowledge, understanding of concepts and application of skills to solve real life problems. This study explores how authentic learning can be used to help English as a Second Language (ESL) learners to acquire academic literacy skills. The objective of the study was to observe students’ reaction to authentic learning, to find out their learning styles and to find out their views about the authentic learning tasks and activities. The study adopted observation and a qualitative free text comments approach to collect data about students’ reaction to the authentic learning activities and students’ learning styles. In addition, focus group discussions and interviews were conducted to let students express their views about the authentic learning tasks and activities that were implemented. The paper presents the views of students about the authentic learning tasks and activities that were implemented. The students reacted positively to the authentic learning tasks and activities and expressed satisfaction. The findings of the study demonstrate that authentic learning can be used to enhance the academic literacy skills of ESL learners.


Academic Literacy, Academic Presentations, Authentic Learning, Collaboration, Learning Styles

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