The Effects of Vocabulary Pre-teaching and Pre-questioning on Intermediate Iranian EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehenstion Ability

Somayyeh Mousavian, Hossein Siahpoosh


Considering comprehension is a main skill in English learning. It is critical to use pre-reading methods in reading instruction to assist students increase their comprehension. This study investigated the effectiveness of pre-questioning and vocabulary pre-teaching on EFL pupil reading comprehension ability. Sixty students participated in the study. An experimental plan was utilized. Twenty pupils were elected for the first experimental group that received vocabulary pre-teaching method, the second experimental group, also consisted of 20 students, received pre-questioning strategy and 20 students in control group gave the conventional method. Students in the groups on both pre-test and post-test were asked to consider a reading text, and after that reply reading comprehension queries. Findings revealed that there were statistically significant variation among the groups. The experimental groups outperformed the control group. Moreover, results indicated that the vocabulary pre-teaching one performance was better than the pre-questioning group.


EFL teaching, Pre-reading methods, Reading comprehension, Pre-questioning, Vocabulary pre-teaching, Schema theory

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