Investigating ‘Othering’ in Sandra Cisneros’s The House on Mango Street

Matava Vichiensing


In Sandra Cisneros’s novel The House on Mango Street is about the Latino experience as a minority group in the United States. This article focused on the concept of ‘othering’ originally as part of a post-colonial theory. This concept can be related to feminist and Marxist perspectives as well. It is also involved in many academic fields, including literature. The construction of othering in this novel can be manifested in forms of linguistic features, mimicry, double consciousness, unhomeliness, gender roles, and socioeconomic class. The findings represented the negative effects of the othering practices in which affecting psychological, economical, and sociocultural dimensions of the people in general.


othering, post-colonial theory, feminist theory, Marxist theory, Sandra Cisneros, The House on Mango Street

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