English Conceptual Discourse Patterns into Azeri-Turkish: A Case Study of Animal Farm
Discourse includes both structural and conceptual patterns. Most of these patterns are different in various languages. A conceptual pattern in source language can be realized in different ways in a target language. Therefore, the translator should be aware of this kind of differences between SL and TL conceptual patterns, because rendering these patterns from the source text into the target one can be problematic and their inaccurate transfer may lead to a flawed translation. This descriptive study aimed to investigate the conceptual discourse patterns and related ideologies in a novel entitled Animal Farm and as the same realizing the conceptual patterns in its translation into Azeri-Turkish. Accordingly, the researchers selected and analyzed the samples based on Fairclough’s approach (2001) to CDA. The findings indicated that the translators’ ideological and socio-cultural norms affect their translation strategies and lexical and grammatical choices and this in turn influences their success to recognize and transmit the ST implicit ideologies into TT.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.6n.2p.26
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