The Wired Generation among University Students in Malaysia

Nor Hafizah Abdullah, Nor Azlili Hassan, Iza Sharina Sallehuddin, Faradillah Iqmar Omar


The purpose of this study is to examine the usage of social media among foundation students and to show how the usage of social media in a campus environment can produce outcomes for the students. Two variables were used; usage and outcomes. Relationships between the usage of social media and gender were also examined. In this study, a survey was administered to a sample consisted of 185 foundation students at KUIS on social media usage, the purpose of social media usage and the outcomes of social media in academic performance. The results indicated that all of the sampled foundation students used at least one form of social media website. The findings disclosed that a positive relationship exists between the purpose of social media usage and its outcomes on students’ academic performance.



Wired generation; social media; foundation students

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