Investigating the Effects of Group Investigation (GI) and Cooperative Integrated Reading and Comprehension (CIRC) as the Cooperative Learning Techniques on Learner's Reading Comprehension

Mohammad Amin Karafkan, Zahra Aghazadeh


Cooperative learning consists of some techniques for helping students work together more effectively. This study investigated the effects of Group Investigation (GI) and Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) as cooperative learning techniques on Iranian EFL learners’ reading comprehension at an intermediate level. The participants of the study were 207 male students who studied at an intermediate level at ILI. The participants were randomly assigned into three equal groups: one control group and two experimental groups. The control group was instructed via conventional technique following an individualistic instructional approach. One experimental group received GI technique. The other experimental group received CIRC technique. The findings showed that there was a meaningful difference between the mean of the reading comprehension score of GI experimental group and CRIC experimental group. CRIC technique is more effective than GI technique in enhancing the reading comprehension test scores of students.



GI, CIRC, Cooperative Learning Techniques, Reading Comprehension

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