A Postcolonial Appraisal of V. S. Naipaul’s A House for Mr. Biswas

Tahereh Siamardi, Reza Didari


The present study is an attempt to investigate traces of Homi K Bhabha’s postcolonial key notions in V. S. Naipaul’s A House for Mr. Biswas (1961). Postcolonialism as a postmodern approach seeks to illustrate the relationship between the colonizer and the colonized. One of these postcolonial critic is Homi Bhabha who through employing some terms like Hybirdity, Mimicry, Ambivalence… depicts this relationship. In the writings of Bhabha, depicted best in The Location of Culture (1994), he concentrates on the interaction of cultures and looks at the ways that two cultures merge into each other. In considering Naipaul’s A House for Mr. Biswas as a postcolonial text, by the help of Postcolonial theories of Homi Bhabha it is argued that the mentioned novel sums up Naipaul’s approach to how individuals relate to places.



Creolization, Identity, Ambivalence, Unhomeliness, Clash of Cultures

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.4n.2p.104


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